IvoryArk Cattery
Preferred Cat or Kitten:
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
How old are you: Under 18Over 18
How would you describe the dynamics of your home? Loud & busy with high activityQuiet & busyQuiet & calmI work from home
Do you have children under 18 at home or regularly visit? YesNo
If you have children, please advise their ages, if no children, write N/A:
Do any family members (including yourself) have any allergies? Yes, but we are not allergic to cats, cat hair, dander or saliva.No allergies
Do you or anyone in the household smoke or vape inside? YesYes, outdoors onlyNo
Do you own (mortgage) or rent? Own homeRentLive with familyShare accommodationCaravan or Motorhome
Do you travel and how often? If yes, who will provide for the cat while you are away? Or will the cat be travelling with you?
If you rent/share accommodation, have you checked that the lease agreement allows pets? and all parties have agreed to a new pet? YesNo - your application will be rejectedI don't live in Rent or Share Accomodation
Do you currently have other pets in your home? Yes - Dogs onlyYes - Cats onlyYes - Both Dogs & CatsYes - Other animals (guinea pigs/chickens/birds)No other animals
If you have other pets, please advise the following for each pet: Breed, age and if desexed. Or write N/A if no other pets:
Have you ever surrendered an animal to a rescue group, animal shelter or RSPCA? If yes, under what circumstances?
Why do you want to add a Persian / Exotic Short Hair to your family?
Have you owned a Persian/Exotic Previously? YesNo
Are you aware Persians/Exotics are a Brachycephalic Cat Breed and require additional care? YesNo
Persians/ Exotics must be brushed 2 to 3 times per week and washed regularly, I am aware that a groomer/vet services will be ongoing if I'm unable to maintain the coat myself. I understandI don't understand
Persian and Exotics must be housed strictly inside or sheltered enclosure. I understandI don't understand
I understand my kitten/cat will be a companion pet only and will be desexed, microchipped and vaccinated by IvoryArk prior to collection (as per Breeders registration requirements) I understandI don't understand
I understand that IvoryArk is unable to predict the amount of kittens in a litter, nor their sex or colour? Making a good match for you and a kitten is rarely based on colour or sex. I understandI don't understand
Which gender do you prefer? FemaleMaleEither is fine
Which breed do you prefer? PersianExoticEither is fine
Persian and Exotics must have a strict quality diet, Royal Canin or Hills Science Diet. Following IvoryArk's instructions regarding ongoing care, diet and health is imperative. I agreeI disagree
Providing prompt quality medical care is a requirement of any IvoryArk adoption. Your kitten will be given 30 days free pet insurance, IvoryArk highly recommends ongoing pet insurance cover. I am financially stable to provide prompt veterinary careI will continue pet insurance
Persian / Exotic adoption price is $2,200 which includes pedigree registration, desexing, vaccination, microchip and vet health certificate. I understandI don't understand
Adoption Price includes $250 non-refundable deposit to secure a kitten; $1000 payable the day before desexing, vaccination and microchipping with the balance due in full 1 week before the kitten/cat is collected I agreeI disagree
IvoryArk adoptees are not reserved until you've signed the contract and $250 non-refundable deposit received. I understandI don't understand
If you are chosen to adopt an IvoryArk kitten, do you agree to quarantine them for the first 2 weeks in their new home- to keep stress levels low YesNo
Upon adoption approval, I agree to a video/zoom call at a mutually agreeable time. I agreeI disagree