Hi, My name is Jeanelle, but everyone calls me Nellie. I was born in in the seaside suburb of Redcliffe, Qld. As a child I was known for bringing every lost dog home and trying to save every animal that needed a hand. We had cockatoos, budgies and finches. As an adult that passion for animals let me to breed Rotti’s, before my 3 sons were born. As a family we’ve owned goats, chickens, eastern long neck turtles, tropical fish, guinea pigs. We’re adopted from the RSPCA, fostered, coordinated BBQ to raise money for animal shelters and becoming a full-time pet groomer. Animals are in our DNA.
Our passion for Persians began grooming them. I fell in love with their easy-going, chilled personality. As a groomer, other breeds of cats would be screaming to get out of the bath and refuse the dryer, while most Persians would simply enjoy the pampering and head massages. Drying their beautiful coats strand by strand was actually relaxing and I had to have one of my own but was relucted because of the amount of grooming.
What I discovered with years of grooming, was some long-haired cats enjoyed being shaved for the hot summer months, and the owners would tell me their fur babies were happier after I’ve given them a lion trim or comb cut.
So, with my grooming knowledge, I joined the cat fancy in 2018 with a desexed female pedigree Exotic Shorthair “The lazy man’s Persian” and embarked showing as a hobby. Turned out to be the best decision for our family because of the confident our son gained, the unofficial therapy cat. This then led us wanting to help others. I was addicted and applied for my breeding Prefix in 2021. I stewarded at the Australian Nationals in June 2022 and I ran my first QFA (Qld Feline Association Inc.) show in July the same year. I absolutely ADORE this breed and would recommend them as a companion and bed warmer.